Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Scarlet Thread

Since I'm trying to put a bit more of "me" into this blog and not all just kid stuff, I thought I'd mention another great book I've read this last week. I'm totally hooked on Francine Rivers' books and really liked this one, The Scarlet Thread, more than most. I almost said I enjoyed it, but it isn't really an "enjoyable" story. It's one that really digs into problems that are common in marriages today. Too often, marriages are built on a foundation of passion or love alone. Alternatively, they can be relationships based on achieving a goal: children, a big house, etc. All of which are important parts of marriage, but will not hold a marriage together on their own.

In this story, Sierra and Alex Madrid marry young after having been high school sweethearts. As an interracial couple, both sets of parent were initially opposed to the marriage, but eventually came to accept their children as the family grew. Problems began for Alex and Sierra for several reasons, first, they were not rooted in a relationship with God and second, they didn't understand or know each other very well. The years that are recorded in the book are difficult to read about, but the way that God works is so touching and brings a lot of hope.

Jared and I are taking a marriage class at church this semester. It's been good, but tough. I think that as the kids grow and schedules get busy, it definitely becomes more difficult to put the time and effort into your relationship that you should. One of the things that our teachers have hammered home, though, is the importance of your foundation. You must be rooted together in your faith and you must agree that this marriage is until death do us part--no ifs, ands, or buts.

Anyone else read a great book lately? Have a comment on this one? I'd love to hear what you have to say!


John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

Great review on the Scarlet Thread!
I'm sure if you're a Rivers fan you've read Redeeming Love. If not, I'd totally reccommend it!
Hope all is well with you:)

Anonymous said...

I always loved the Mark of the Lion series. It reminds me always of how easy we have it as Christians today.

I recently read a great little love-story. It is an epistilary novel set in post-WWII England. It is called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Shafer and Bowers. So wonderful!

A random fan named Jen

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