Monday, October 27, 2008

The Host

Ruby and I have succumbed to our first cold of the season--probably due to our insanely busy schedule the last few weeks! My solution to the problem has been to ignore all housework and do minimal cooking so that I have time to read... and read... and read. (And rest of course!) So, here we are with another book discussion!

I read this 600+ pager in less than a week--it's really that good. I don't know how many of you have been sucked into Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series (I've only read the first book), but this is Meyer's first book for adults. That being said, it isn't raunchy or anything, just a bit more advanced plot ideas than her teenage series--and not at all about vampires. This one is still sci-fi/fantasy material though, so if you aren't crazy about that genre, you probably aren't interested.

The Host is about an alien parasitic species that implants themselves into the brains of host bodies. The "souls", as they are called, have populated at least nine planets and are always scouting out new ones. The main character, Wanderer, is implanted into one of the few remaining true humans left on earth, Melanie. This is Wanderer's ninth life, each spent on different planets, in different species, but this time she experiences something she never has before--Melanie fights back. She doesn't cease to exist, as the other hosts have, she fights to keep information from Wanderer in the beginning, but eventually they become allies as Wanderer starts to love Melanie's brother and partner as much as Melanie herself and wants to find them. This is just the beginning of a long journey for Wanderer as she learns about love and what it means to be human.

I really enjoyed this book and could hardly put it down over the weekend! Even though it's fantasy and not a "real" scenario at all, it still gave me some food for thought. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a little bit of sci-fi. It's not intense, there's a great plot line of family, love, and relationships. There's also a little bit of thinking involved, but not too much!

I've ordered the first book in Francine River's Mark of the Lion series that several people have recommended to me. I'll let you know when I get through! Until then I've got a few more good reads I'm working my way through. As always, I love your comments!!

1 comment:

Laural Out Loud said...

I'm breaking down and buying the Twitlight series. I'm not a vampire OR scifi fan, but I love a good book that makes me think. And every once in a while I need to break from my usual genre and read something different. So I'll be adding this book to the list, too! Can't wait to hear what you think of the Mark of the Lion books.

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