Wednesday, February 13, 2008

you need this

I just had to share this with anyone and everyone that has toddlers... the Swivel Sweeper! Okay, so it's one of those "as seen on TV" things, but I'm telling you this puppy works like a charm! I bet it gets used 3 to 5 times a day at my house--cleaning up under the table after meals and snacks. A quick vacuum around the house. It's perfect! My favorite thing is that it picks up chunks--cheerios, crumbs, etc.-- but also does an awesome job with dust bunnies, stray hairs, etc.

Really, though, the best thing about it is that Ruby LOVES it and she does the sweeping herself after every meals. She is meticulous to get every little scrap that Max has dropped and then lets me know when it needs to be emptied and then puts it away... on her own... without being asked. That's pretty awesome!

Ours was a gift from my mother-in-law and we love it (as you can tell!). I was more than a little skeptical, but it really is great. So thanks again, Kay!

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