Saturday, February 2, 2008

bye-bye "ma"

Those who have been around Ruby for any length of time know that she has been devoted, since birth, to her pacifer. A year or so ago we cut her pacie time down to just nap time and bed time, but we've known for a while now that we really needed to just get rid of the thing. Her little buck teeth were begging us to, "Do Something!!". So, we've been talking this big change up for weeks... well, maybe even months. We finally decided to let her pick out a reading light to have at bedtime instead of her pacifier. So, believe it or not...

It's been 48 hours since Ruby threw her last "ma" (pacifier) in the trash!!

It has not been pretty. She has shed lots and lots and LOTS of tears over her pacies and keeps begging me for them. Even though I keep reminding her that we threw them away she is certain that I have one or more hidden. (I must admit I considered it, but realized that it was pointless and counter-productive.) I'm thankful that I can honestly tell her that I don't.

Over all I think she's really doing pretty well. It certainly isn't the, "Oh goodie, I'm a big girl now!" reaction that some of our friends have had with their kids, but it's been okay.

And I'm proud of our Ru... she sure is growing up.


Laural Out Loud said...

We went through this just a couple of months ago! Gabi still asks for a binky when she's upset, but the Binky Fairy was very thorough. Gabi's teeth have already started to straighten out, too! Sometimes my heart hurts just a tiny bit at my baby not getting the comfort she was so accustomed to, but it is all for the best.

Sherry said...

Good for you and well done Ruby!! It is soooo hard at first to take away that little piece of security. :( D was very sad when he gave his 'last' binky to the garbage man...truth be told, so was I!

Lauren said...

Wow, Will and Ruby went through the giving up of their pacies at almost the exact same time!! It's now been two weeks for Will and he hasn't asked for them at all the past several days--yea!

Way to go, Ruby!!

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