Monday, February 11, 2008


I heard somewhere along the way that babies actually DO suck your brain power away. Then I read that everything is supposed to be back to normal six months after birth... or maybe it was nine months. All I know is that it's been about ten months and things aren't normal. I really think that there was a time when I could complete an entire sentance before I forgot the beginning of the sentance. Couldn't I? Does anyone else struggle with this?!?

Nevermind. My children are awake, so I guess I'll finish this thought another time!

Hope you all are having a more cohesive day than me!

1 comment:

Laural Out Loud said...

Yes! And it's been three and a half years! I've just learned to fake the sharpness at work (I have a million lists), though I forgot something mid-sentence in a meeting today. No other parents in the room to commiserate, either.

I have permanent baby brain.

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