Thursday, September 11, 2008

Positive Changes

2008 hasn't exactly been a piece of cake for our family--we've made a major move (from Denmark to Boston), lost a parent (my Dad), had copious amounts of car trouble, and have had the constant reminder that we are most likely only here in Boston short term.  I kind of let it all get to me and considered having a major breakdown about it.  In the end, I decided that I needed to make some changes in my life before voluntarily committing myself to a mental institution.  (I'm kidding about the last part, but I really DID want an extended vacation.)

So, the first change that I made about a month and a half ago was to get serious about my relationship with God.  Now, some of you are saying, "Duh!" right now... and others are probably saying, "Huh?", but let me explain.  I believe that the only way that I'm truly going to be content and at peace in life is if I'm doing what God wants me to be doing, but I was having a hard time ever taking time to listen to His opinion on what I ought to be doing.  I just kind of kept muddling through.  Since that wasn't really working out all that well for me, I decided that I needed to dig into the Word.

After reading about the SOAP method over at Mom's Toolbox, I decided that it was time to start.  I was going to journal my journey.  So far, it's been great.  There are very few days that I don't feel like doing my Quiet Time.  I long for the rest with my Savior.  There are no concerns or worries during this time, it's just me and Him.  I know that He's using our time and I know that he's changing me, little by little.  I trust that if I hold up my end of the bargain, He will continue His amazing faithfulness to me.  It's time.  My family deserves better than they've been getting and so does He.

My second big leap has been no easier to tackle than the first, I've decided that I've GOT to get in better shape.  After walking or biking everywhere for two and a half years, just suddenly stopping has taken a toll.  Let's just say I don't really need a belt to hold up my pants any more.  And these are pants that I could wear the week after Max was born last year!  Not good.  So, we've joined the YMCA.  No more hitting the snooze button for me, at 6:15am, I pop out of bed (well, maybe pop is a bit too optimistic!), and head to the gym.  It's been TOUGH!  I'm forcing myself to work hard, not just go through the motions, so I'm coming home sore and whipped most days, but I think it really is giving more energy and hopefully eventually it will also help trim the old waistline.  

Finally, I'm scheduling even more.  I'm setting realistic goals for each day and doing my best to hit them.  The house is now mostly clean most of the time and I always know what we're having for dinner.  The down side of all this is that I don't have the same time that I did for reading, sewing, and blogging.  So, forgive me if there isn't a post each day and just know that the kids are adorable and we're all growing.  God is good.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Bethany, you're making a discovery all of us make multiple times over our lifetimes. Thank you for the reminders. In my own life, busyness is the general state of things, meeting other people's deadlines, etc. At times, at the end of the day, I'll put on my headphones to listen to music I have on my laptop and play computer games to unwind. The music, a mix of country and various kinds of Christian, do so much to relax me. It seems God puts the songs in just the right order to refocus my attitudes about life, other people and work.

Also, I'm reading "Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado. He is essentially reminding his readers that God loves us just the way we are but is in the business of changing us into his image. It's calling me to change the way I look at my fellow man by reminding me how unlovely I am.

Thank you for keeping us updated on you and your family. You are loved.

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