Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Whirling Around...

Over the past year, as I lumbered through pregnancy, the excitement and exhaustion of a new baby, and sending my two 'big' kids off to schools for the first time, I have been rushing. I have been too busy, most days, to sit back and just enjoy the best days of my life.

Well, I'm putting my foot down. Enough!

Sure my floor may not have been mopped in this calendar year and the sinks may have some toothpaste crud on them, but really, does it matter? Who am I trying to please, God or man (or me!)?

For the past month we have been going through 40 days of awakening at our church. We are awakening to the people around us, to God, and to our responsibilities as Christians to share the Good News. We are awakening to His love. We are awakening to blessing.

What greater responsibility and blessing have I been given, but to cherish my husband and our children. To worry less about the grime and more about the grins on their faces. To discipline consistently and lovingly. And most importantly to lead them to Truth. These sweet children, Ruby, Maxwell, and Cornelia, are ours for such a fleeting moment, but they will always be in God's Hand. What a revelation, as a parent, to embrace God's overwhelming love for your children. To trust Him with their care, their choices, and their eternal future.

Heavenly Father, You are the maker of our souls. You understand our every doubt, joy, and sorrow. You have created this amazing world and you have called it good. You have created each child in Your own image. You have balanced all of creation. Nothing is out of step from Your perfect plan.

Lord God, please fill our home with Your love. Fill it with Your peace. Fill it with Your perfect balance. For your name's sake, amen.


Anonymous said...

Amen. I'm going to go play with my kids now. Thank you for this beautiful reminder!

Me said...

The kids are getting so big! We miss you guys and I am glad you are blogging again even if it's just for awhile, so we can catch up!

Anonymous said...

Thrilled you are blogging again. The words you wrote were lead by God and truly profound. What a loving reminder for each of us. Your church studies would no doubt be wonderful for each of us. Mom Kay

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