Monday, February 21, 2011

Is it really Febraury?

I realize that it may be cruel and unusual punishment for my dear friends and family in the Midwest and New England to be posting this photos, but maybe you can see it as incentive to come visit us in balmy North Carolina instead of a "haha, we don't have snow" type of deal. That said, proceed with caution, fun in the sun ahead!

This past week has been glorious-- we're talking 60s and even low 70s! So we decided to head outside for a little fun in the sun. Ruby set up the kiddie pool as a playpen for Cornelia and loaded it with all kind of toys. The whole lot was/is filthy, so baby girl still hit the tub as soon as we went indoors, but she sure had fun!

Yes, you are seeing correctly. Maxwell is bare-chested, with swim trunks on... in February! The kids begged to put on their suits and I figured I'd let them figure out that it really isn't THAT warm outside. Max never did figure that out. He just said, " Wew, I do have my undaweaw on Mama." :)

Ruby was forced to admit that it was a bit chillier than she had originally thought, so she went for the sweater plus swimsuit look. I think it works for her!

For those of you that are digging out from yet another blizzard, have hope! This will be you in three or four more months! Hahahahahaaaaaa! (Okay, that last part was just mean.) But seriously, the daffodils are poking up a good 4" and it's beautiful. Thank you, Jesus, for spring!

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