Monday, March 17, 2008

not so "quiet" time

On the advice of some BTDT (been there done that) moms, I've decided to implement quiet time during the time previously known as afternoon nap. Since Ruby's sad farewell to the pacie, our afternoon naps are spotty at best. I've found that if I require her to play quietly with just one or two toys on my bed about half the time she'll end up falling asleep after all. At the worst, I get an hour or more of quiet to get a few projects tackled or just rest. Today, wasn't so successful. I thought that Ruby had finally fallen asleep as it was totally quiet until...

"Mommy! Mooommmy! MOOOMMMMYY!! Come look what I did!" (Right next door to her lightly sleeping brother of course!) When I entered the bathroom I found that she had scrounged up a sheet of those mini stickers and decided to "decorate" the bathroom. I had to laugh--she certainly was proud of herself. And she was quiet. Even if it did mean 5 minutes of peeling tiny stickers off the tub, vanity and bathroom door!

Better luck next time!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

ROFL! Always beware when they are toooooo quiet!

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