Thursday, March 13, 2008

little dude

I wish that I had a better picture of Max for you, but it seems like it's extremely difficult to get pictures of him these days! Our little dude is on the move all the time and Ruby is right there with him 99% of the time!

We are totally shocked that in less than a month Max is turning ONE!! How did the year go by so fast? How could I possibly have taken so few pictures!?! I'm thinking that once the weather warms up we'll be able to do more outside that's "photo-worthy". We'll see.

Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone some of Maxwell's highlights (long overdo!)...

Max loves to eat. He eats everything we do now and loves to feed himself finger food. He's getting very interested in spoons and forks so we bought a new set last night so that he and Ruby both have a set for dinner time.

Max loves to climb. He is constantly on Ruby's bed, on chairs, and has even been known to climb onto their kiddie table and STAND on it. He's a risk-taker.

Max took his first steps a few days ago!! He loves walking while you hold his hand and now has taken about 4 steps on his own before falling. Ruby loves, loves, loves to hold his hands and help him walk. He isn't as crazy about it.

Max isn't too keen on story time. He wants to eat, tear, and generally destroy all books. He's also a strong believer that bookshelves are meant to be empty.

Max is crazy about music and loves to dance. He can really get his groove on--it's SO cute!

Well, that's about all for now on our little man. We love him so much!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Wow, it has almost been a year, hasn't it? Reminds me that the twins will be a year old next month...the time seems to have flown!

Max sounds like a pretty cool kid to me, I am glad Ruby loves him so much!

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