Friday, March 21, 2008

max the champ

Yesterday we took Max in to the Children's Hospital in Boston for a rather delicate (but routine) procedure. I was a nervous nelly the whole way there... would we make it in time? Would Max fuss from being too hungry? How could I keep Ruby from sharing her breakfast with him? And on and on...

As you can see, Max was unconcerned (and unaware) that anything was going to happen to put a damper on his cheery day. He didn't fuss at all about being hungry or thirsty. His only concern was that we weren't letting him crawl around the room where they were prepping all the kiddos for surgery. He wanted to be climbing the furniture and visiting the other patients. Probably wondering where all the cute girls were!

Thankfully, everything went absolutely perfect. Jared was even able to go into the operating room with Max while they were putting him to sleep. I decided I wasn't up for that challenge. Something about holding the mask over his crying mouth and then watching his little eyes roll up in his head was too much for me! Jared said that it was hard, but he was thankful that one of us was able to be there with him so that he wouldn't be as scared.

After an hour or so, Max's surgeon came out and said that everything went perfectly and he was in recovery. Ruby said, "Wake up, MAXY!!" and he popped his head right up and was ready to go.

He didn't slow down much at all, regardless of the tylenol with codeine! Good job, Max!

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