Thursday, March 31, 2011

Great Reads

I stumbled on a really great series thanks to my handy dandy Kindle a while back and it's just too great not to share!

The first book, "The Centurion's Wife", takes place just after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The disciples and followers are reeling, and followers of The Way are growing exponentially.

The story focuses on the lives of a down on her luck Roman with Judean roots (Leah) who is working in Pilate's household and a Roman Centurion. There is, of course, a love story element, but it isn't a huge part of the book. The excitement of that time and the coming of the Holy Spirit is just awesome.

The second book, "The Hidden Flame" , focuses in on the life of Abigail and other followers of The Way in Jerusalem. They are being persecuted, yet followers of The Way are growing in number. It's a tense and exciting time!

We continue to follow the life of Alban (the centurion) and Leah, as well their good friend Linux (another Roman centurion). Will the Judean and Roman leadership crush the followers of the Way?

In the third installment, "The Damascus Way", followers of The Way are on the run from Jerusalem where they have become unsafe. Abigail and her young daughter, along with many other believers move and the Holy Spirit moves with them, changing hearts all along the way.

Will Abigail find love again after losing her husband? What will happen next?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these books! I found them the same way! I'm currently on book 2. Can't wait to read the third!!

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