Thursday, April 8, 2010

Make way for baby!

Jared has been hard at work crossing things off his "honey, do" list as the countdown to baby #3 draws near! This week we (Jared!) got the baby's room painted and finished painting the crib we found on craigslist a few months ago. It's hard to see in the photo, but there are three drawers on the right side of the crib and then two drawers underneath, which I love. I am SO happy with the results and just love how it all looks with our new floors-- thanks to my super hubby!

After Jared puts the baseboards in we'll bring in the changing table he made before Ruby was born and I also hope to get a black Poang chair like this one to rock baby in. I, of course, had to get some Ikea bedding and even got this cute diaper bag. I've been told that this bag is totally impractical and all together too small, but after carrying around that big old backpack diaper bag with the first two, I was ready to downsize! I figure it will at least work for quick outings around town.

Strangely, or maybe not so strangely, no one has been begging for belly pics this time around. I guess they figure they've seen me massively pregnant before, so no big deal. But, I felt for posterity I should at least post one belly shot. Unfortunately I had to take this myself with the timer and it was blurry every time I tried. Oh well, you get the idea. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and no, I'm not having twins. :)

We are so anxious to meet this new addition to our family and thankful already for the person God has made him or her to be. Now, all we need is a name...


Eckmama said...

I had a smaller diaper bag with my 3rd, and none at all with my 4th (just carried her stuff in my big purse). You learn as you go, and the more kids you have you realize there's less you need to haul with you. : ) Your diaper bag will be perfect!

Ann(i)e said...

Do you have a short list of names yet? Any clear favorites at this point?

Ann(i)e said...

P.S. LOVE the crib!

Anonymous said...

The crib is beautiful and very practical too with the drawers. I'm getting excited to meet #3, too! Love the belly pix.

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