Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baby Brain

I went to my 32 week appointment today by myself! Jared let me drop the kids off with him at work where they vegged with the video player and white board for about and hour and a half, while I had time to make a quick stop at the market, go to my appointment and actually talk to the doctor and the financial person, and I even went over to the billing office at the hospital to talk about cutting costs. All of that with no complaining or interruptions! It was wonderful!

It seems that all is well on the baby front-- I'm measuring ahead of schedule (33 weeks) and baby's heart is beating strong. I can attest to the fact that this little peanut is STRONG (Jared's thinks he/she is a little body builder!) as I've experienced nauseating full rolls at least once a day as well as plenty of stretching and thrown elbows and knees! In fact, I was thinking that any time now this little peanut could be born and be just a-okay! (Did you hear that kiddo? Let's get this show on the road! Well, maybe wait at least 4 more weeks, then you'll be cooked to perfection!)

I'm consistantly amazed at how God keeps meeting our needs-- He has supplied us with the extra money we'll need to pay doctor and hospital bills. He has helped us find inexpensive, but nice baby things at yard sales and on craigslist. He has allowed my back to be strong and relatively pain-free this pregnancy. He squashes my fears just when they are about to take over. He has met all of our needs and blessed us beyond measure.

Thank you, Jesus, for answering my prayers before I ever voice them to you. Thank you for reminding me that you are in control. Thank you for this baby, who is Yours in the first place. We can't wait to meet him... or her. I love you, Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

Jared said...

What an awesome God we serve!!

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