Thursday, November 20, 2008

You want to WHAT?!

For the last week or so, Max has been taking some big leaps that I, personally, did not expect (or necessarily want) him to take for a good long time yet! He has decided that he's ready to use the potty chair. His efforts are not terribly consistant, but he's definitely trying with some success.

My latest struggle is how can I keep a diaper on the kid?! It seems like every few minutes he's stripping from the waist down (socks too!) and shouting "Poo! Poo!" as he scoots to the bathroom. Then, after he's given a token few grunts, he's off and playing again sans diaper!

Last weekend, Max walked in on Daddy using the bathroom. He was pretty interested in the whole standing up and peeing thing, especially after Jared said, "See, this is how you're supposed to do it!". The next morning, I heard Max head into the bathroom, strip down to his diaper, flip up the toilet lid and seat (the BIG toilet, not his potty chair), stand up against the toilet and he went! Granted, he was wearing a diaper (thankfully), but he sure was proud of himself for peeing like a big boy!

I've decided not to sweat it. I have a feeling that this is just one of those "I'm kinda interested" phases, not the "let's pull out the training pants" process. Seems like Ruby had a few of these spurts before we really got serious. For now we'll just see how it goes. Maybe I'll luck out and he'll potty train himself!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Bethany, Bethany, Bethany!!! Nothing happens this easy when it involves an Armstrong (even though his name is Nelson). He's funning with you. Seriously, though, he is baring out just how important a father in the house is ;) It is neat how Jared is so involved with Max AND Ruby. You are both doing a phenomenal job. Lots of love from AZ.

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