Friday, August 1, 2008

Wet n Wild - MI Part 2

We had a nice mix of cooler and warmer days while we visited which left plenty of time to visit the beach, play in the sprinkler, and test out the jet skis. Here are a few more pictures from our trip...
Ruby was very industriously toting water to "fill up" a hold she had dug out of the sand. Sadly, by the time she returned with another bucket it was always empty!

Nana found this cool sprinkler with balls on one of her bargain shopping trips. The kids had a great time putting the balls in so they'd get shot up on the stream of water... but, BOY was that water cold! Max enjoyed playing in it the most with clothes on so that it took a while for that shockingly cold well water to reach his tender skin!

Here's Max and I coming back after our attempted jet ski trip. Mr. Sensitive was NOT impressed with the waves or the icy spray of water in his face. He did love puttering down the canal though, calling out "Hi!" with a big smile and wave to all of the neighbors.

Ruby never seems to mind that icy spray and just squealed with delight as she ran through.

At the end of one our sprinkle sessions Max decided to reach in for the balls. Predictably, his chubby little arm got stuck inside. Nana and Mommy saved him after a few good yanks and before long he was trying again. Sometimes I wonder about this kid.

Enjoy your weekend everyone. We're heading up to Maine for the day tomorrow to picnic by a lighthouse with some good friends from Denmark. Hope you all will enjoy some rest too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are ready for all of you to come back any time. It sure was fun -- except the day Ruby was so sick. Thank goodness she recovered quickly.

These beautiful Michigan summer days are going by way too fast!

Love to all -- K

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