Thursday, August 14, 2008

Miss Ru

Life is not dull with a three year old in the house. The only quiet moments we have are when Ruby is sleeping or if she's zoned out with the boob tube. At all other times, we hear Ruby's commentary on the world. Here are a few of my recent favorites:

A few mornings ago she woke up and came into our room before I had made the bed and put away dirty clothes, etc. She looked around the room in horror and said, "Oh no! Mommy, this place is a pig sty!"

Ruby is always very concerned about bugs and for the most part refers to them as her "friends". At the dinner table the other night we were having watermelon. As we cleaned up, I asked Jared to put the rinds in a bag since we'd been having some fruit flies in the house. This is the approximate conversation that followed:

R: "Daddy, it's okay. They can eat the watermelon"
J: "Well, I don't want them eating mine, that's gross."
R: "They won't eat much! They need that watermelon to live!"

We just chuckled and bagged up the watermelon rinds. Thankfully the fruit flies soon took the hint that we weren't all as concerned about their welfare as Ruby and flew the coop. Now I guess she'll have to go outside to find some bugs to worry about!

1 comment:

Jared Nelson said...

WOW!!! What a couple of dolls!!!


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