Monday, July 28, 2008


I'm back again with a bunch of great pictures from a few strawberry festivals we went to in June. The first wasn't so much of a festival as just a large farm stand trying to sell a lot of strawberries! We did get to do a few little crafts there though and tried some homemade Strawberry Soup and Strawberry Crumble. YUM!

Ruby thought the berries looked pretty good and managed to eat half a pint before I got the package away from her! By the look on her face, I'd say she enjoyed it!

Max liked this little bench and sat there for the longest time just takin' it all in.

Next we went out to an actual farm that was having a strawberry festival in Concord. We were able to pick our own berries--a task that was pretty challenging with mostly picked over plants, but still rewarding! Max wasn't the most discerning picker and loved to squish the berries. Amazingly, we still ended up with a lot of yummy berries for strawberry shortcake that night!

Ruby wanted the berries to jump into her basket for her, then she was distressed that the berries were warm! That's the sun for you, sweetie!

By the shop they had set up some grills where we feasted on hamburgers and hot dogs. While we ate we enjoyed this marionette show. Ruby really loved watching all the different puppets dance around.

Here's proof that these two do get along once in a while. I won't put up the next picture where Max fell down and Ruby's standing over him laughing...

Daddy and Ruby dancing to the music! What a beautiful day!

I'll end with pictures of my korny kiddos. It really was a wonderful day and one we're thankful we didn't miss! We're hoping to pick some blueberries this week if the weather permits!!

I hope everyone is taking time to enjoy fun and special moments this summer. It hits me at least once every day how fast time goes. Before long these two will be in school and everything will really speed up. I'm enjoying these slow days... even if they are exhausting!

1 comment:

Jared Nelson said...

Awww, Shuck's!!!!!!!!

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