Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acadia - Day Two

We started our second day in Acadia bright and early thanks to Mr. Max. After a big egg and potato breakfast we were on the trail at just past 7am!!
We decided to walk along the Ocean Trail again going the opposite direction towards Thunder Hole. Unfortunately, we weren't there at the real noisy time , but it was a very picturesque walk and we had a fun time playing "I Spy" with Ruby on the trail.

They have a really nice railed path with steps that lets you get right down to the water. We all enjoyed a snack and rested up for the walk back. Ruby wasn't so keen on walking back to the car, but we tricked her into going most of the way by racing with her! I'm not sure how kids always have energy to run when walking is no longer possible!

After lots of attempts, here's the best picture I was able to get of Heidi and Ruby. If you haven't noticed, Ruby isn't that keen on posing for pictures these days!

Super Dad helped Ruby "jump" from rock to rock along the trail. All while carrying Mr. Chunk in the backpack!

Sand Beach was absolutely beautiful and almost convinced us to brave those icy Maine waters. In the end we only had time for wading. Ruby ended up a bit wetter than she planned when a wave rolled in up to her waist! She didn't complain though and we had her clean and dry in no time at all.

Max enjoyed squashing Aunt Heidi's sandcastles just as fast as she could build them. Yep, he's a boy!

After our hike and playing at the beach we headed into town for a delicious lunch of Maine favorites--lobster, crab, and clams! YUM!! Thanks Heidi for the special treat!

Check back tomorrow for our evening excursion to Cadillac Mountain!

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