Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Words!

I just had to call Jared at work yesterday to announce that Max had started using a new word...

Me: "Hey honey, you're going to be so proud to hear that your 13 month old son has mastered another word!"
J: "Oh yeah, what is it?"
Me: "Barbie!"
J: "Oh, great."

His enthusiasm for the word choice wasn't that high!

Ever since Ruby got all those Barbies for her birthday, Max has been enjoying them too. He isn't really big on dressing them up or pretending with them, but he does enjoy pushing the limits of just how far Barbie's limbs can be yanked before they pop off. He also enjoys trying to eat a dozen Barbie shoes before breakfast.

Fun stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me laugh!

Aunt Lesa

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