Friday, June 6, 2008


A few weeks ago we saw a sign up at a neighboring town's library-- "Meet Curious George!". It was a no brainer, we were going. So, in the hours leading up to the big event Ruby and I talked about what it might be like. She said that Curious George would definitely be small and his "Daddy" (the man in the yellow hat) would have to be there too to take care of George.

When we arrived along with a couple hundred other parents and preschoolers, we were met with this George. Ruby's first words... "His head is HUGE!!" Neither of them could peel their eyes off of the big cuddly guy.

So, it didn't turn out quite like we had imagined, but all in all it was a nice time. We even got to hear two librarians attempt to read over two hundred people whispering without the aid of a microphone. Then, there was the crushing push to get a picture with George. The kids had had enough at that point (thankfully) so we skipped the picture. Maybe we'll get one next time when the man in the yellow hat shows up too!

p.s. Next time I'm nabbing one of the chairs! Sitting on a tile floor for 45 minutes with two kids on my lap is for the birds!


SRM said...

Uncle Rodney & Aunt Ruth arrived at their home here in Bruce safely last night. Saw them today at Aunt June's birthday party. I'll see if Aunt Ruth can come over to my place later this week. If you have a chance, would you send her an e-mail? Would like her to have something in her mailbox when she looks.

Sherry said...

Sounds like a fun time at the library. I know D would love to see Curious George!

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