Friday, March 26, 2010

My Hair My Way

For a long time now Ruby's been all about dressing herself-- sometimes in the most outlandish and inappropriate outfits, but most of the time she does a great job. Over the last month, however, freedoms have been seized in new areas-- suddenly she's showering on her own instead of taking a bath with her brother, and putting on her "makeup" before she leaves the house. But, the icing on the cake has been her insistance at doing her own hair! Check out the hairdo she went to preschool in on Wednesday. Yes, I know.

The only thing that makes half a dozen barrettes on top of her head okay are the 12 she put in yesterday. We haven't quite figured out when enough is enough yet!

Oh, and can you tell Ruby and Daisy are getting along famously? Their favorite activities include Daisy getting perched on top of a tower of chairs, Daisy being carried around in a plastic basket, and apparently now they're climbing trees together. Fast friends. Something tells me it's going to be hard to get rid of this cat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing little ones in their crazy clothes. You just know that they picked them out on their own. Of course, occasionally, Mom or Dad has to step in, but their little ones' hand-crafted fashion creations are priceless.

Looks like I might need to make a barette run to Sam Moon's next time I'm in Dallas. Kay

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