Thursday, December 11, 2008

This is why my head is spinning

I think I have a problem. I think Christmas cheer and fun and traditions and I think... I MUST DO IT ALL! RIGHT NOW! So, here's a few of the things I've been working on the last few weeks. This isn't everything and several of these projects are still unfinished, but it's a sampling.

Years ago, back in Idaho, I purchased a bunch of Christmas fabric at JoAnn's for something silly like $1/yard or something. So, since I have the sewing machine now, I thought, "Hey, why don't I make a tree skirt this year!?!" So, Jared and I spent hours cutting fabric and I have been sewing away. Here's a sample of the skirt with the prairie point star at the tip. I think it will be nice if I ever get a chance to finish it!

I accepted the challenge to organize the Christmas party for Friday footsteps this year. So, we're doing Christmas in Denmark. It's been fun, but a bit stressful prepping crafts, decorations, making nut-free Danish Christmas yummies, and trying to come up with something short, sweet, and meaningful to share with the kids about Christmas in DK.

One of the first things I worked on back in November was the ornaments and devotionals for our Jesse Tree. I ended up using info from various sources, but mostly from the Reformed Church of America's website. I ended up getting a small Christmas tree and then buying little wooden ornaments that I painted the images on (poorly, but recognizably!). Ruby has been following along very well each night and can't wait to do our devotional and hang up the new ornament.

Yesterday, I said, "Let's make sugar cookies!". Here is Ruby proudly posing with the fruit of our labor. It was not exactly the least stressful thing I've ever done, but it was worth it to hear Ruby say, "This is the best day ever!". She sure is soaking up Christmas. Max, on the other hand, was busy upturning the kitchen trash and scaring me witless with numerous load crashes throughout the house. He also enjoyed stealing cookies. What a kid.

Oh, and did I mention he thinks he's potty training. I still haven't totally hopped on the wagon, but something tells me this little boy is getting big boy underwear for Christmas!
Happy Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now my head is spinning, too! You are amazing. The Christmas tree skirt is well on its way to becoming a true heirloom. It's beautiful!

Wish I was there to steal a few cookies myself. Reminds me of our Christmas baking last year. Remember the walnut "horns"? They were a first time experiment for me, but a "keeper."

Enjoy each day. Love, Momma K

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