Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Better late than never, I decided to post some pictures from our Thanksgiving in Maine!

Our good friends, the Schmidt family, whom we met at FIBC in Denmark, invited us to spend the holiday with their family at their home in Bowdoin, ME! We were so excited to spend some time with them and the kids are always up for an outing. Ruby wanted to stay for a loooong time and was disappointed to hear that we'd only be spending two nights there.

This photo is one that Isabelle took right before we dug into the feast she had prepared!

I had hoped that I would be more help to Isabelle, but Max woke up that morning with a 102F temperature and was feeling absolutely miserable, so I ended up spending the morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade while she and her girls, Natalie and Olivia, worked hard in the kitchen.

Jared, Jon, and Olivia decided to do their own Turkey Trot around Bowdoin. Aside from aching feet (on Jared's part), the trek was enjoyed by all. Jared has decided to take up running and would eventually like to try a marathon. I think we'll get him some new running shoes before then. ;)

The feast was amazing--sweet potatoes, squash, mashed potatoes, succotash, green bean casserole, chestnut stuffing, cranberry relish, homemade rolls, turkey and ham! Oh, and there were FOUR pies. I'm pretty sure that they ate off that meal for a week!

After dinner, Ruby decided to do a little photojournalism. She took about ten pictures of the ham... apparently it was a very interesting subject! Some of the family said that they could see a face in there somewhere... I'm not seeing it, but maybe I just haven't had enough egg nog!

After dinner, we enjoyed relaxing a bit. Jared and I worked on cutting material for a tree skirt that I was just starting, while Ruby made this adorable turkey from felt and dyed corn husks! That Isabelle is a crafty one!

Max spent the afternoon in his bed napping... After a while, I ended up joining him, finally succumbing to that nasty old virus myself.

After naps, we both felt a bit better and were able to enjoy the rest of the evening including a very competitive game of Pictionary! I'm proud to say that Jared, Olivia and I won-- twice. Not that I keep track of things like that!

We'll close with this shot of Ruby warming up with her hot cocoa after a walk in the woods.

Thank you, Schmidts, for a wonderful Thanksgiving. And sorry for bringing the black death to your doorstep. Hope you still love us!

1 comment:

Lesa said...

you are like your mom was with winning games....I remember many christmases playing games (esp uno) and you always had to watch her because when you leasted expected it...she would win

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